We revisited this exciting topic with a bigger group of participants!
Proofs, Trials, Evals
• Configuring trials
• We can decide whether to do it or not
Perception of moving the sale forward
• Qualified
• Entry criteria
• What is the cost of a POV?
○ People cost in Presales time
○ Helps justify other things
Giving team members ground rules on when to say no
What other things could you do first
• Technical deep dive
• Reference call
• Demo, especially custom demos.
• Pilot
• How many POVs can a team member run at once?
• 2-3?
• Automated trials?
○ Automatically log people in
○ Trial plans that customers follow themselves.
How to keep your Proofs small?
• Only include success criteria that move the deal forwards
• Don't include things you can easily demo
• Are you giving away real value?
Screenshot demos
• Does it have to be real?
• Will it work for them?
• Will it work with their data/inputs?
• How unique are they really?
Any tools people use to run POVs?
• Reprise
○ Screenshot of product & create demo environment for customers to use.
○ Marketing/leadgen?
Future topic
• Sellers vs Presales
• Payscales & how to show your value?
• Salary/Money/Presales
• Cost of presales…