I decided to update the SE ratio information I published in October due to the extra responses received since publishing. The new data is also very interesting and reinforces what we had found before.

I still see that most organisations want to have a lower ratio (or more SE resource available to each sales rep).
It would be very interesting to hear the stories of why people think this is the case. There could be many reasons, such as:

I still see that most organisations want to have a lower ratio (or more SE resource available to each sales rep).
It would be very interesting to hear the stories of why people think this is the case. There could be many reasons, such as:
- SEs are spread thinly, not being able to focus on important customers enough
- The breadth of knowledge is too much - it is hard for SEs to be knowledgeable enough in all areas
- There is headcount availability but we can't find anyone we'd like to hire.
If you have any anecdotes, please let me know! Either comment here or twitter @salesengguy